Monday, October 28, 2013

A Quick Case For Tony Romo

Let's compare two quarterbacks without revealing names:
Quarterback A: 27593 yards, 64.8 comp%, 195 touchdowns, 96 interceptions, 18 fourth quarter comebacks, 19 game winning drives

Quarterback B: 32942 yards, 61.5 comp%, 165 touchdowns, 141 interceptions, 16 fourth quarter comebacks, 21 game winning drives

Which of these quarterback's would you rather have on your team? Obviously you'd rather have Quarterback A. More touchdowns, more accurate, less interceptions, and comparable statistics in the clutch. Now what if I told you that Quarterback A is one of the most scrutinized QB's of his era and that Quarterback B got into the Hall of Fame before he even turned 40?

In case you haven't put the pieces together yet, Quarterback A is current Dallas Cowboys QB Tony Romo and Quarterback B is Hall of Famer Troy Aikman.  

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